Dec 28, 2021

Healthy Boundaries are the KEY to Great Relationships

TLDR: Healthy boundaries protect you and others to create a loving, mutually beneficial relationship.

"Boundaries" is a HUGE buzzword right now. And while I am not a fan of pop psychology, I LOVE that we're finally talking about boundaries as a culture.

Healthy boundaries are the number one skill I teach every client, and they are the most life-changing skill I've practiced for healthy relationships.

This is an introductory video on boundaries. In this video, I'll discuss what boundaries are, how you set them with yourself and others, and the most common misconception people hold about boundaries.

Healthy boundaries are about empowering yourself to create the life you've always wanted. So often, people talk about "boundaries" as though they are capable of controlling another person's behavior. They are not! Boundaries are all about controlling your own behavior and emotional state.

I hope this introduction is helpful to you in your life and relationships! Stay tuned for more about boundaries in future videos. Or check out my training, Boundaries: Create Your Peace, for a full course on how to set healthy boundaries! See link below.

Much LOVE,
Jami Lynn

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Music: 'Lion' by Sapajou
Free download:

DISCLAIMER: This content is not therapy, nor is it a substitute for therapy. If something in this video is activating, illuminating, or intriguing to you - please seek a trained professional to explore the topic with.

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