Dec 28, 2021

Two Things that Hurt Your Sex Life: STOP these habits and INCREASE your sexual satisfaction

TLDR: Two of the most common sex killers in happy, healthy relationships are: feeling tired and lacking vulnerability.

This video is for the people who love their partner(s) and don't understand why sex happens less often than they'd like.

Two of the main things I see with clients who want to have more sex and don't understand why they aren't are being TIRED or not being VULNERABLE enough.

Sex in a long-term, committed relationship requires effort and attention. Sometimes that attention is about prioritizing sex over other things so that you have the energy to be sexual with your partner. Other times, the effort is about overcoming your awkwardness or fear and choosing to be vulnerable when you initiate sex.

Today's video will walk you through changing these two habits so that you can have an amazing sex life!

Will it take work? YES, definitely.

But I believe the payoff is greater than the effort. Not only because you'll have better sex, but because you will also have more control in your own life.

When you reflect on your behavior and intentionally change your actions, you empower yourself to shape your life!

Much LOVE,
Jami Lynn

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Music: 'Lion' by Sapajou
Free download:

DISCLAIMER: This content is not therapy, nor is it a substitute for therapy. If something in this video is activating, illuminating, or intriguing to you - please seek a trained professional to explore the topic with.

0:00 Introduction
0:50 The 2 things that stop sex
3:24 When you're too TIRED for sex
6:31 Scared/Embarrassed/Awkward
7:35 Vulnerable sex is BETTER
8:37 Practice grounding before you initiate sex

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