Arousal and Your Nervous System | Understand HOW You Get Turned-On
Arousal is SO much more than just getting hot, hard, and wet...
Arousal is a constantly changing dance between physical, emotional, mental, and contextual factors.
Maybe your mind is turned on, but your body isn't yet. Or you r...
How to Emotionally Regulate | The BEST relationship advice to practice
Anyone who's been in relationship knows - emotions run hot, and it's easy to get into little bickering exchanges with partners.
Even if you are head-over-heels in love with your partner, inevitably, you will trigger each oth...
Five Simple Steps to STOP Conflict in Relationship | Communication Skills to Improve Intimacy
Last month, I had a challenging interaction with someone I love. They said a hurtful comment about queer folks, and I came real close to losing my temper at them.
Thankfully, years of practicing relati...
What Women Need to Feel Sexy and Turned on | 8 Research-Based Tips for More Safety
What helps women feel turned on?
The story we've all been told is that women's sexuality is complex. Is it actually more complex than a man's? Or have women had cultural influence over thousands of years that mak...
Practice Mirror Work: Radical Self-Love to Transform Your Brain and Life!
Are you ready for my new favorite practice?!
I've added some words to my mirror work each morning after reading Edith Eger's book The Gift, and I can tell it's bringing me transformational changes!
Loving energy and spea...
Goodbye Toxic Shame: Escape the Shame-Pit by Embracing REMORSE
If Big Mouth taught us anything, it's that the Shame Wizard is real and UNPLEASANT.
I don't know a more painful and problematic emotion than shame. When you're in a shame response, you're trapped in unworthiness and despair.
The fe...
Stop Trying, Start Doing | How to progress toward relational health
Get ready for some wisdom that may surprise you.
Holocaust survivor and psychologist, Edith Eger, shares some loving and firm words in her book The Gift...
And I cannot stop repeating them to myself!
"Trying is lying"
How of...
Why are women hard to turn-on? | Gender Differences and Arousal
A question I get all the time about sexuality is "Why is it harder to turn-on women?"
To be honest, I think there's some cultural issues with this question. We tend to hold straight male sexual responses as "normal." And anything t...
Delight in Your Existence | Intimacy practice for more BLISS and JOY
Do you have a daily intimacy practice?
You might be wondering to yourself "what does that even mean? Is she asking me if I have sex everyday?"
No. I'm asking whether you take time each day to intentionally celebrate your exis...